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Advanced Technology


An exciting technology has been developed that may allow you to have a comprehensive retinal exam without the use of dilating drops. OptomapĀ®, a product developed by OptosĀ®, is a retinal imaging product that gives doctors a view of the retina without the use of dilating drops.

Optomap is a low-powered scanning laser ophthalmoscope that digitally scans the retina. The test is non-invasive and takes only seconds to complete. Different wavelengths of laser light are used to capture the image. The image can then be filtered, allowing various layers of the retina to be evaluated. The image can be viewed on a computer monitor and stored for future comparisons.

Another advantage of Optomap technology is that the retinal image is displayed immediately. This lets Dr. Beckman review it quickly, and if necessary, refer you to a retinal specialist.

Marco TRS, automated refracting system

This latest technology makes comparing current prescription or unaided vision to your new corrected vision instantaneous. The Marco TRS automatically reads measurements, so that your new prescription is accurate and reliable.

LCD Eye Chart

Our LCD Eye chart allows one computer to perform both real-time transcription and vision testing concurrently!

This system comes with features that can assist us with efficiency in the exam room and provide an exceptional patient exam. By providing a multitude of available charts, all with full randomization, Dr. Beckman always has the right test close at hand, easily accessed by controls designed for ease of use.

Visual Fields

What is a visual field test?

A visual field test is a method of measuring an individual’s entire scope of vision, that is their central and peripheral (side) vision. Visual field testing actually maps the visual fields of each eye individually.

What is a visual field test used for?

Visual field testing is most frequently used to detect any signs of glaucoma damage to the optic nerve. In addition, visual field tests are useful for detection of central or peripheral retinal disease, eyelid conditions such as ptosis or drooping, optic nerve disease, and diseases affecting the visual pathways within the brain. The visual pathways carry information from the eye to the visual or occipital cortex in the brain, where this information is processed into vision.

Visioffic (Essilor)